Better Crossfit Affiliate Programming.

Crossfit Programming That Helps You Build Stronger Athletes and Foster a Tighter Community

The best for
your community

At Team Misfit, we’re passionate about supporting CrossFit gyms and coaches like you. Our mission is simple: to provide top-notch CrossFit affiliate programming that helps you create outstanding experiences for your community. We understand that running a successful gym is about more than just hard work; it’s about the quality of the program you deliver. That’s why our affiliate programming is designed for athletes of every level, helping you turn every class into an extraordinary experience. With Team Misfit by your side, you’re not just running a gym – you’re growing as a coach and making a powerful difference in the lives of your athletes.


We not only want to provide you with world class programming, but the tools needed to grow and develop both athletes and coaches. We provide free tools like Class Planning worksheets, Coach’s Evaluation Templates, and more to grow your communities.

Misfit Affiliate

To access more advanced features we have the Affiliate program, which includes everything for effective training and coaching, sign up now and get the best price. Now you can get it for $124 / month.

The Misfit Affiliate program follows a Phase structure with a new training phase beginning every 7 weeks or so, and includes a Test and Retest week at the beginning and end of the training phase. We program 6 days per week and include 2-3 training pieces per day. 

Each Phase we will focus on a main barbell lift and gymnastics element and then additional strength work designed to complement each. Additional strength work includes a Skill Lift, GPP lifts and Auxiliary lifts designed to keep athletes sharp and keep them exposed to as many different styles of strength building as possible. Our gymnastics focus rotates every phase, but ensures athletes have a day dedicated to working on basic gymnastics skill and strength work.

The bread and butter of fitness. Of all the training pieces we write, we take arguably the most pride in our conditioning pieces which are insanely effective for both your firebreathers and average Joes when scaled appropriately. Our affiliate program uses the same Misfit Variable Training System we use for our high level competitors to ensure variance in movements, time domains, stimuli, and more, creating the most well rounded affiliate program available. 

Daily Competitor Extra pieces designed for athletes who want a little extra training after hammering the day’s class programming. These pieces are structured to fit alongside the Strength/Skill work and Conditioning and are meant to be done as the 3rd piece of a 90 minute class, or can be provided to athletes for open gym time. 

Latest posts


  • We have used Misfit affiliate programming for over a year at Vintage CrossFit. It’s great to receive a month of programming in advance because it allows us to hold training sessions for our coaching team to ensure we’re teaching movements in a consistent manner. Finally, it’s a nice bonus to have access to resources for our members who like to pursue extra education outside the box.
    Dennis Sukholutsky, Owner of Vintage CrossFit

  • I found myself spending hours programming for my members instead of focusing that valuable time on growing my business. The programming is challenging… and provides athletes with progressive strength training to ensure constant improvement. The metabolic conditioning components are very innovative but remain true to CrossFit methodologies.
    Heather McCracken, Owner/Head Coach of CrossFit Islander

  • We’re big proponents of Misfit Affiliate Programming because, at the simplest level, it’s objective and fun, which are vitally important characteristics for creating buy-in with a diverse membership. By using Misfit, we can outsource general programming to strength & conditioning experts while our coaching team focuses on individual development and building community.
    Slater Coe, Owner of Derby City CrossFit

  • If you’ve followed their blog in any capacity, you know they’re a bunch of programming wizards, and the Affiliate Programming delivers the same high quality programming in an hour time setting. Our athletes are getting stronger. My hours are freed up to work on the other things running a business requires while I let the programming be handled by the folks who know what they’re doing. Good for the athletes. Good for the gym. Good for the owners. It’s a win-win-win.
    Jeff Milton, Coach at CrossFit Northland

  • Our members love the structure of the programming and how it builds off of previous cycles. They also like the each of the workouts can be be accommodated for the competitive and non competitive athletes. All the workouts are scalable and our members have been seeing great progress.
    Noreen Henriquez, Coach at CrossFit Sworn

  • Coach Glassman said “the needs of Olympic athletes and our grandparents differ by degree, not kind.” Misfit does just that; they use the same methodology and movements that they use for their games athletes delivered at an appropriate level for our affiliate. It has helped keep the community together, and if our members trust us to offer the best information that we have; shouldn’t we invest in them by offering the best programming available?
    Nicholas Birdsall, Owner/Head Coach at CrossFit Acadia

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