30 (more) Days of Free At-home Workouts!
For better or worse, we’re keeping the fitness train rolling with another free batch of 30 days of at home workouts!
We now have 3 full programs that you provide your members with to stay fit and strong until your gyms open back up including 60 days of metcons and a 7-week home lifting program, all three of which can be downloaded through the Team Misfit Blog. As coaches, remember that it’s our job to not only provide opportunities for our athletes and members to stay fit and healthy, but also to check in on them from time to time to simply remind them that we care and are here to help. Once again, feel free to download, share with members, post to your social media pages, whatever, just keep your athletes happy and healthy!
[purchase_link id=”2893″ style=”button” color=”dark-gray” text=”Sign Me Up for 30 More Days, Coach!”]
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