Team Misfit On-ramp Program

You’ve asked and we listened, so now available to subscribers is our 9 class on-ramp program! We’ve experimented with a few different types of beginner programs and have found this format to be the most successful and best combination of duration and effectiveness in preparing beginners for regular CrossFit classes. The program consists of our 9-class Beginner program with everything you need to start executing while still giving coaches the freedom to adapt on the fly. Much like regular classes, you may need to modify or adjust movements/days to accommodate your specific beginners. We also recommend providing beginners with the program itself so that they can know what to expect and do some research about the movements they will experience on their own. We’ve also created a Beginners Program playlist on YouTube with quick 10-30 second clips of the movements found in this program. That playlist can be found at the following link: TMF Beginners Movements
Current Team Misfit programming subscribers can find the full On-ramp program in the “Get My Program” tab now!
The Program
Each day consists of the movements to be taught, the workout itself, goals for the athlete to achieve within that day, and then additional coach notes and talking points to use to further introduce athletes to CrossFit and some of its core concepts such as nutrition, scaling, intensity, etc.. Adjust the movements and days as needed to accommodate your gym’s schedule and the proficiency of your beginners.
The movements we’ve chosen are based on a combination of CrossFit’s foundational movements as well as movements our gym programs regularly. We also try to introduce athletes to things like kicking upside-down, snatching (at least from the hang), and kipping (if safe) so that the first time they experience these movements, it’s not in a regular class where the coach would need to teach them something from ground zero while the more experienced members are left unattended to.
Structure and Timing
Our beginners program consists of 8 days where the coach and beginners group work together exclusively, and then on the 9th and final day, the beginner(s) jump into regular CrossFit class but have their beginners coach with them almost like a chaperone. This last day is an important transition period, so we recommend the beginners coach also pairs the new beginner up with a friendly, experienced member who will help provide a good first class experience.
Recommended Weekly Structure
We structure our beginners class to be 3 days per week on a Monday, Wednesday, Thursday rotation (this is more dictated by our gym’s schedule, so adjust how you see fit). We recommend keeping at least one day between days 1 and 2, as most beginners will be pretty sore after the first day. We charge our beginners a month’s membership after their first class (assuming they want to continue), so the 3 days/week rotation means that beginners will be done the full program by the end of week 3, leaving the last 1-2 weeks of the month for them to take regular classes and make some new friends, making it more enticing to continue their membership after their first month.
We’re really excited to provide our subscribers with another great supplemental program and resource to keep your gym going strong. Right now, subscribers not only get monthly affiliate programming, but also have access to our Specialty Class programs which includes two olympic weightlifting programs, three at-home workout programs, and now our complete On-ramp program. To get your affiliate signed up for Team Misfit Programming and gain access to all these additional programs for free, sign up HERE!